Sunday, December 9, 2012

Emancipation Proclamation Debate

I am very excited to announce that our debate team will be participating in a special debate event sponsored by our school's Mosaic Committee! This February in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation and Black History Month, some of our debaters will be chosen to debate each other in a special assembly. Eligible debaters will be chosen by Coach Williams, however, everyone can vote on the Emancipation Proclamation related topic! Please indicate in the comments which of the topics below you would prefer be debated, and why in a short 5 sentence paragraph.

The EP was not an altruistic endeavor
The EP was a military tactic to win the Civil War
The EP did not free the slaves
Looking forward to your input!
Maria Williams
HCCS Debate, Head Coach

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